Friday, August 7, 2009

Autumn Society tonight! Also, computer virus!

Just a reminder, the new Autumn Society gallery, 8-Bit And Beyond, opens tonight at 6:00 PM at Brave New Worlds Comics in Philadelphia. I'll be there tonight, so if you're around, come say hi! My piece will be hanging there and available for purchase, but I'll also have some brand new Geoweasel postcards and those "Obey" stickers available as freebies. Of course, if you can't make it tonight, you can still stop by any time during the month and the pieces will be there. I highly suggest you check it out. I've seen a number of the pieces and they are truly amazing works of art. Much better than mine. If you need some info, you can check out the event page on Facebook. Otherwise, check out The Autumn Society's blog.

Next order of business...I have a computer virus! Again! According to my records (by which I mean past blog posts), I just had one in December. I don't know if this new one has anything to do with the Twitter and Facebook outages yesterday because apparently some other people got infected as well, but either way, I'm screwed. There are a number of sites that I can't access at all (Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Youtube, and Flickr). I just get a message that says it's restricted. I've run full system scans a number of times with both Norton and McAfee, and the virus is still there, so I'm going to have to take my computer in to get wiped or whatever, and then continue to freak out about whether or not I'll be able to access important programs like Flash and whatnot (even though a lot of stuff was backed up last time this happened, it was still a bitch to re-active Flash and my Flash to video converter in particular, and I don't remember how I did it). So I'm just putting it out there that I won't be online a whole lot for the next couple days; I still have access with my home computer, which I'm currently using, but it's not like I can really do a whole lot with all my programs gone. I was seriously for real gonna maybe probably almost work on a Geoweasel episode this weekend, but obviously that's not going to happen. Clearly! If I hadn't gotten a virus, there woulda been like a million episodes! Yeah!


Burgers said...

As long as the virus hasn't spread to your house like it did in that one episode of Geoweasel. :P

Logan! said...

Looks Like it's CoolWebSearch.

Here's something that might help.